
  • 文章来源:     发表时间: 2018-05-01 18:48:46     浏览次数:
  • 爱做色采实验的新锐设计师品牌Sayya 『本文由壹衿编辑整理发布』设计师Salvador Dali,就读于艺术学院装潢造型专业,在学习期间,已举行了屡次成功的个人时装秀。2011年创建Sayya品牌每一年的系列都在不断尝试新的色采对照实验。Each collection SAYYA by Luba Makarenko is about woman, at first place. In all collections Luba Makarenko explores the phenomenon of femininity in the context and time. The SAYYA woman does not cry ab


    设计师Salvador Dali,就读于艺术学院装潢造型专业,在学习期间,已举行了屡次成功的个人时装秀。2011年创建Sayya品牌每一年的系列都在不断尝试新的色采对照实验。

    Each collection SAYYA by Luba Makarenko is about woman, at first place. In all collections Luba Makarenko explores the phenomenon of femininity in the context and time. The SAYYA woman does not cry about individuality, but she is always evident in the crowd: to classic fitted silhouettes and pencil dresses the designer厨房工作服入什么科目
    adds unexpected details, creating silhouettes that stick in the memory. Contrasting textures, unusual play of colors, experiments with forms, freshness and flamboyance of clothes are distinctive features of the brand SAYYA. Expressive silhouettes, perfect fit, natural fabrics and exceptional design are the basic elements in the work of the designer. The SAYYA woman is refined and attentive, she feels equally at ease in the role of a leader and of a driven person, she can make decisions and at the same time obey her inner intuition. She is light, nevertheless, single-minded, in the right situation her decisions are firm, she overcomes obstacles when she clearly sees the goal! She is always open to new voyages and impressions, but she remembers her primary mission - to be a woman and to bring light. The SAYYA woman is always different. But this is the essence of femininity - constantly change oneself, while remaining true to herself.



